The Seedlings Curriculum
The material is available by year (six 6-week units per year), or specific units may be ordered separately for $10.00 each plus shipping. Units are easily adaptable for use in Vacation Bible Schools or other non-Sunday settings. Each Year and unit can be used in any sequence desired.
We know cost matters in the small church! Each congregation may order one set of materials for use by teachers and make additional copies for use only in that congregation.
A year's materials includes lesson plans for 36-40 sessions plus introductory materials for the class coordinator. Unit materials -- cut-outs, projects, art work -- are not provided with Seedlings. Teachers and coordinators are allowed and encouraged to use their ingenuity and imagination, and see what comes!
This material has been revised. Each year's curriculum is $55.00.
We know cost matters in the small church! Each congregation may order one set of materials for use by teachers and make additional copies for use only in that congregation.
A year's materials includes lesson plans for 36-40 sessions plus introductory materials for the class coordinator. Unit materials -- cut-outs, projects, art work -- are not provided with Seedlings. Teachers and coordinators are allowed and encouraged to use their ingenuity and imagination, and see what comes!
This material has been revised. Each year's curriculum is $55.00.
See what is included in the curriculum:
- Year I
- Year II
- Year III (Download a sample lesson from Year 3: David and Goliath)
- Year IV
- Other Resources