Sacraments: Expressions of God's Love (Y1)

Joshua & Judges (Y2)

The Church Year: Making Time Holy (Y1)

Holy Week: Jesus' Last Days on Earth (Y3)

"Food For His Friends" First Communion Class (C-1)

Instructed Morning Prayer (B-3)

People of Faith in the Old Testament (Y4)

Worship: We Praise & Love God (Y3)

Instructed Eucharist for Children (B-1)

Ministry: Service to God and Others in His Name (Y4)

Year 4 - complete set (A-4)

Every Member UN-Canvass (E-1)

Disciples: Jesus' Followers & Friends (Y1)

Year 1 - complete set (A-1)

Patriarchs: People of the Covenant (Y2)

Instructed Eucharist for Adults (B-2)

La Familia de Dios (Spanish) (S-1)

David: Chosen Servant of the Lord (Y3)

We Belong to Many Families (Y2)

Parables II: Stories that Teach Us (Y4)

Genesis: A Book of Promises (Y1)

Super Sundays (G-1)

The Early Life of Jesus (Y2)

Major Prophets: They Proclaimed God's Will (Y4)

Early Saints: Men & Women Who Served the Lord (Y2)

"Engrafting the Word" Confirmation Class (C-2)

Rulers & Prophets: Servants & Messengers of God (Y3)

Saints II: Christian Heroes (Y3)

Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles (Y1)

Adult Inquirer's class (C-3)

Miracles: Signs of God's Power (Y3)

Acts & Epistles: The Story of the Early Church (Y4)

Year 2 - complete set (A-2)

Moses: God's Faithful Servant (Y1)